Major General Granger is currently the President and CEO of The 5Ps, LLC, a health care, education, and leadership consulting organization, Centennial, CO 80015 since August 6, 2009. Prior to his retirement from the US Army on July 1, 2009, MG Granger served as the Deputy Director and Program Executive Officer of the TRICARE Management Activity, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs), Washington, DC, from December 2005 to May 2009. In this role, he was the principal advisor to the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) on DoD health plan policy and performance.
In his role leading MG Granger required strong, value based relationships with major insurers to be affiliates. This required clear guidelines to asses and determine “best value”. A rigorous process was implemented to ensure clear requirements and criteria to manage these relationships to measurable, accountable outcomes.
He oversaw the acquisition, operation and integration of DoD’s managed care program within the Military Health System. MG Granger led a staff of 1,800 in planning, budgeting and executing a $22.5 Billion Defense Health Program and in ensuring the effective and efficient provision of high-quality, accessible healthcare for 9.2 million Uniformed Service members, their families, retirees and others located worldwide.
Prior to joining TRICARE Management Activity, MG Granger led the largest U.S. and multi-national battlefield health system in our recent history while serving as Commander, Task Force 44th Medical Command and Command Surgeon for the Multinational Corps Iraq. He has led at every level of the Army Medical Department, with previous assignments as Commander, 44th Medical Command, XVIII Airborne Corps Command Surgeon and Director of Health Services, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Commander, Europe Regional Medical Command, Director of TRICARE Europe, and the Command Surgeon, US Army Europe and 7th Army, Heidelberg, Germany, Acting Assistant Surgeon General for Force Projection, Commander, Landstuhl Army Regional Medical Center, Landstuhl, Germany and Commander, Ireland Army Community Hospital, Fort Knox, KY, and attended Army War College, Carlisle Barrack, PA.
MG Granger has received numerous awards, decorations and honors, including the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit with three oak leaf clusters, the Bronze Star Medal, and the Meritorious Service Medal with four oak leaf clusters. He is board-certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and the Board of Hematology and Oncology, certified Physician Executive by the Certifying Commission in Medical Management, Certified by the American College of Healthcare Executives, and Certified in Medical Quality by the American Board of Medical Quality.
His professional affiliations include. Member of the National Association of Health Services Executives, American Medical Association ,the Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executives (Life Member) , member and Fellow American College of Healthcare Executives, member and laureate American College of Physicians, member (life member) and fellow American Association for Physician Leadership, member and fellow American College of Medical Quality, Board of Advisors for Berg Health, ER Williams, Arsenal Venture Partners, and Tru-North Logistics, Board of Directors, Defense Logistic Health, Express-Scripts Holding, and Rxoutreach.
He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Arkansas State University in 1976. A Distinguished Military Graduate, MG Granger was commissioned through the Reserve Officer Training Corps. Upon graduation from the University Of Arkansas School Of Medicine in 1980, he was awarded the Henry Kaiser Medical Fellowship for Medical Excellence and Leadership. MG Granger completed a residency in Internal Medicine in 1983 and a fellowship in Hematology-Oncology in 1986 at Fitzsimons Army Medical Center, Aurora, Colorado. MG Granger was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science Degree from Meharry Medical College in 2009.